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Junior Actions Campaigner

Reference   (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Location India (North) - Asia & M East
Town/City Bangalore
Salary Additional Information Rs. 22, 384 per month
Salary Range 200,000+
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Voluntary & Interns
Deadline 30/06/2008
Company Name Greenpeace
Contact Name
Email hrrecrui@in.greenpeace.org
Website Further Details / Applications
Greenpeace logo
Directory Entry : Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace.
Also Listing:

The Actions & Research unit seeks an energetic, street-smart and creative individual who believes in the power of Non-Violent Direct Action to create change. He/she will know how to plan and get the job done, take calculated risks and use his/her imagination in developing creative direct action tactics.



Closing Date: June 30, 2008

Job Title:       Junior Action Campaigner
Department:  Actions and Research
Reports to:    Actions Manager
Location:       Bangalore, India
Type:             Full-Time
Salary:          Rs. 22, 384 per month (cost to the organization)
Grade:           4

Overall purpose of the job:
To work along with Action Campaigners for furthering Greenpeace India’s Campaign objectives through the use of creative, confrontational and inspirational non-violent direct actions.

1. Actions/Campaign liaison duties

  • Work with Action Campaigner to plan and design direct action tactics that contribute to changing public, government and/or corporate behaviour in line with Campaign objectives
  • Work with the Action Campaigner to develop new and innovative forms of direct action, direct communication, protest and photo-ops across the different Campaigns
  • Work with Action Campaigner to undertake field research for campaign projects.

2. Direct Action Coordination

  • Work with the Action Campaigner in all aspects of planning and preparation for Direct Actions
  • Participate in Direct Actions
  • Assist in developing and maintaining information management systems for the department

3. Other

  • Assist in the design and production of props and other materials
  • Work along with Action Campaigner to build volunteer base
  • Learn and employ skills like industrial climbing, machine tool operation, stitching and painting for effective direct actions
  • Perform any other job-related duties as assigned by the Action and research Manager.

Working conditions:
This post may involve considerable travel and the action campaigner may be required to work from the warehouse on occasion. Participation in direct actions may have both legal and physical risks.


  • Creative and willing to experiment
  • Good organizational and planning skills
  • Ability to work to strict deadlines
  • Experience of and preference for working in a team
  • Flexible to adapt to changing work plans and stressful conditions
  • Demonstrable evidence of being involved in physical activities e.g. hobbies
  • Good communication skills
  • Good interpersonal skills

Personal Qualities:

  • Belief in the power of Non-Violent Direct Action to bring about change
  • A keen desire to a part of an environmental campaigning organization
  • Self motivated/self starter
  • Problem solver
  • Keen learner
  • Willing to take calculated risks
  • Physically active
  • Willing to work with his/her hands
  • Not afraid of heights

Essential – Computer and internet literate, multi-lingual
Desirable – Swimming, first aid

Essential: Demonstrable work/volunteer experience of working to deadlines and deliverables and understanding authority and responsibility (minimum 6months)

Other requirements
Above 24years 

About the Actions & Research Team

Non Violent Direct Action (NVDA) is a core value of Greenpeace and the Actions and Research unit makes it happen. The unit is central to the identity of Greenpeace and gives meaning to ‘taking action.’

Believing in the power of an individual to bring about change and in the right to freedom of speech and expression is what the actions and research unit is all about. The work involves designing ways of bringing environmental criminals to book and assigning responsibility where none exist. The actions and research unit works in tandem with the Greenpeace campaigns department to design creative techniques of confronting the environmental wrongdoers; its how Greenpeace communicates to the world.

About Greenpeace
Greenpeace is an independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful direct action and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.

Actions often speak louder than words and non-violent direct action is at the heart of Greenpeace campaigns, which has also grown to include lobbying and research over the past years.

 Currently, the public campaigns in India are organised to:
• prevent climate change by ending our addiction to polluting fuels and promote clean, renewable and efficient energy
• protect oceans
• eliminate toxic chemicals
• prevent the release of genetically modified organisms into nature

Greenpeace does not solicit or accept funding from governments, corporations or political parties to ensure that we do not compromise our independence, aims & objectives or integrity. We solely rely on the voluntary donations of individual supporters, and on grant-support from foundations.

We are committed to the principles of non-violence, political independence and internationalism. In exposing threats to the environment and in working to find solutions, Greenpeace has no permanent allies or enemies. 

Application Procedure

1. Please review the job description and person specification for this position.

2. Email the following to the HR Manager at hrrecrui@in.greenpeace.org

a. Letter of application, demonstrating how you meet the job requirement criteria through your education, hobbies, paid/voluntary work experience.

b. A 2 page (max) CV

3. Only applicants who successfully demonstrate that they meet the job requirements will be called for a telephone interview. If you do not hear from us for 2 weeks after the closing date, please assume that your application was not short-listed.

4. After the telephone interview a face-to-face interview will follow.

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