The Republic of Liberia’s economy, population, and environment are highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. A range of studies, including the Republic of Liberia’s Initial National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) notes that the impacts of climate change are expected to intensify as changes in temperature and precipitation affect economic activity.
In order to respond to the risks posed by climate change, there is a need to conduct and update relevant climate vulnerability and risk assessment and disaster risks assessment in the key sectors. Additionally, it is also important to assess the socio-economic and vulnerability analysis of impacts of climate change in the country.
The National Adaptation Plans (NAP) is a Green Climate Fund (GCF) funded project "To advance the National Adaptation Plans (NAP) process for medium-term investment planning in climate-sensitive sectors (i.e. agriculture, energy, waste management, forestry and health) and coastal areas in Liberia". The project has duration of two years. The activities in this project focus on four components:
1. Strengthening institutional frameworks and coordination for implementation of the NAPs process
2. Expansion of the knowledge base for scaling up adaptation
3. Building capacity for mainstreaming climate change adaptation into planning, and budgeting processes and systems
4. Formulation of financing mechanisms for scaling up adaptation
The direct beneficiaries of the project are the Environmental Protection Agency and its National Climate Change Secretariat. Key government partners are Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, National Disaster Management Agency, National Port Authority of Liberia, Liberia Maritime Authority, National Fisheries & Aquaculture Authority, Liberia National Department of Meteorology, Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services and University of Liberia.
Overall, the project will contribute Fund level impact towards output A.5 --“Strengthened institutional and regulatory systems for climate responsive planning and development
The expected outputs are derived from the government of Liberia’s NAP formulation and implementation note issued in 2016, following national stakeholder consultations held during the launch of the NAP process in April 2015.
In this context, UNDP is specifically supporting Liberia to integrate its critical sectors into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) process. This initiative will provide technical assistance to the country to integrate climate change aspects for the critical sectors within its existing national planning and budgeting processes. The programme will enhance understanding of Liberia on what it takes to address climate change impacts and integrate sectors' concerns into its national planning and budgeting process and in line with existing UNFCCC endorsed framework for NAPs.
Within this overall background, UNDP is seeking an economist to provide Liberia with technical assistance to identify capacity gaps and deliver training in comprehensive integrated climate-environment-socio-economic vulnerability assessments as well as economic based appraisal techniques for sector-based and local adaptation investments. The training will be targeted to both general decision makers and more specialized departments in government and national institutions involved in adaptation planning and budgeting, building on key elements identified in the UNFCCC LEG guidelines for the NAPs process. The provision of this technical assistance is intended to support Liberia to inform and guide a medium to long term approach to addressing climate change risks within existing planning and budgeting processes