Scope of Work
The objective of this consultancy is to develop a Communication and Awareness Strategy and Action Plan for the Mainstreaming Biodiversity into the Management of Coastal Zone in the Republic of Mauritius project through a participatory and consultative approach. It is expected that the Action plan will be implemented during the project cycle i.e by 2021.
A range of user-friendly communication materials (e.g. website, brochures/leaflets, posters, coastal and marine atlas, training tools and guides) will be produced through an inclusive participatory approach, sensitive to the needs of socially, culturally and gender differentiated groups. These will facilitate local community learning and sharing of local experiences, using a human rights-based approach, and inform the broader public, ensuring that the rationale for the protection and management of these ecosystems becomes widely understood and supported and the role of the ICZM Committees on both islands is clearly understood. The need for some of the ESA information to be excluded from the public domain will be respected.
Mechanisms for maintaining websites, including protocols and procedures and long-term hosting body, will be determined. Materials will be developed in relation to:
- The development and implementation of plans for Rodrigues and Black River District, Mauritius (Activities 1.2.1. and 1.2.2 below) and will include both general information on ICZM planning and location specific information, to illustrate the value of coastal and marine ecosystem services (using the results of activity);
- MPAs, in line with the activities described under Output 2 building on materials and initiatives developed under previous projects (e.g. materials produced for MPAs by a consortium of NGOs under the UNDP-GEF MPA Partnerships Project). The information produced will feed back into the knowledge management system and centres to be developed and supported under 1.1.1. ,and will be disseminated through the Marine Park centre(s) on Mauritius and the SEMPA Interpretation Centre currently being established on Rodrigues;
- The ecosystem service values of coastal wetlands, including policy recommendations, and theresults of the work undertaken through Output 3.2 for replication on other coastal wetlands. Knowledge and policy briefs will be prepared to promote effective implementation of policies and mechanisms to protect coastal wetlands.
A strategy for communication and awareness and its subsequent Action Plan is necessary to identify the key target audiences and the most effective mechanisms, media and outputs for each audience. Particular attention should be given to coastal communities who tend to be overlooked and the potential for disseminating materials through, for example, the network of Social and Community Welfare Centres and Women’s Associations in coastal Village Council Areas. It may be appropriate to designate specific focal individuals in the communities to assist with this. This activity will make use of and further develop materials and ideas from past and current education and communications initiatives and will be developed as a collaborative effort with the Information and Education Division and the ICZM Division of MOESDDBM, the ICZM Committee, NPCS for wetlands, the RRA, and NGOs including Reef Conservation, MMCS, Eco-Sud and Shoals Rodrigues and MWF.
In providing the required services, the Communication and Awareness Consultant will be required to:
- Carry out a desk review at national and international level on best practice Communication Strategies and Action Plan in the field of marine biodiversity, Coastal and Marine ESA’s, ICZM planning and MPA management;
- Prepare a brief outline for the Communication and Awareness Strategy for the project in line with the findings of the desk review and consultations with relevant stakeholders;
- Prepare a draft Communication and Awareness Strategy and Action Plan for the project based on the above through a fully participatory and consultative process;
- Prepare marketing activities including product branding;
- Submit the final draft of the Communication and Awareness Strategy and Action Plan for the project reflecting the feedback and comments of the relevant stakeholders;
- Design the communication and awareness materials and media;
- Deliver the awareness raising sessions (including but not limited to training session) on the Communication and Awareness Strategy targeting relevant stakeholders.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables
The Service provider shall be remunerated in accordance with the following time schedule and deliverables:
Deliverable A: Produce an approved assignment work plan; Timeline: May 2018; Fee: 10%; Means of verification: Approved assignment work plan.
Deliverable B: Report on the desk review on communication strategies and Action Plans at national and international level; Timeline: June 2019; Fee: 10%; Means of verification: Approval of all deliverables by the Project Steering committee.
Deliverable C: Report on the consultation meetings and interviews of all relevant stakeholders; Timeline: July 2019; Fee: 10%; Means of verification: Approval of all deliverables by the Steering committee.
Deliverable D: Draft Communication and Awareness Strategy and Action Plan for the project; Timeline: July 2019; Fee: 15%; Means of verification: Approval of all deliverables by the Steering committee.
Deliverable E: Produce a brand for the project; Timeline: August 2019; Fee: 10% Means of verification: Approval from Project Steering committee.
Deliverable F: Consultation Workshop; Timeline: August 2019; Fee: 10%; Means of verification: Approval of all deliverables by the Steering committee.
Deliverable G: Final Communication Strategy and Action Plan; Timeline: August 2019; Fee: 10%; Means of verification: Approval of all deliverables by the Steering committee.
Deliverable H: Deliver the awareness raising session on the Communication and Awareness Strategy and Action Plan; Timeline: September 2019; Fee: 15%; Means of verification: Approval of all deliverables by the Steering committee.
Deliverable I: Validation Workshop and Final report on the assignment; Timeline: October 2019; Fee: 10%; Means of verification: Approval of all deliverables by the Steering committee.
Important Note
All deliverables shall be submitted in soft copies in a USB flash drive or CD, in both MS Word and in PDF as per requirement of the Client to the address of the Project Manager Mr P Ragen – and with copy to the National Project Director Mr Daniel Labonne, as well as the UNDP Head of Environment Unit. The Project Manager will be responsible for further distribution. The deliverables should be of high quality in form and substance and with appropriate professional presentation. The Consultant should fully comply with the requirements of UNDP in terms of content and presentation and respect UNDP GEF visibility guidelines, since unsatisfactory performance may result in termination of contract. Tables of content should be cleared with the PMU before reports are produced.
Institutional Arrangement
The selected service provider will provide service to the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping of the Republic of Mauritius, and report to the National Project Director (NPD) and the Chief Technical Adviser. All deliverables shall be approved by the NPD, UNDP and the National Steering Committee.
Duration of the Work
The Communication and Awareness Consultant’s work schedule shall be for 85 working person days until October 2019 with the following breakdown, 60 field mission days and 25 days home based.
Duty Station
During the field-based part of the assignment, the Consultant will be based at the PMU Office, Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources and Shipping, LIC Building, Port Louis and also at the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine resources, Fisheries and Shipping.