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Intern on Low-carbon Circular Economy programme in Brussels.

Sectors Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location Belgium - Europe
Town/City London
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level First Level
Deadline 05/10/2020
Company Name Institute for European Environmental Policy
Contact Name
Email recruitment@ieep.eu
Website Further Details / Applications
Institute for European Environmental Policy logo
Directory Entry : Working with stakeholders across EU institutions, international bodies, academia, civil society and industry, our team of economists, scientists and lawyers produce evidence-based research and policy insight. For more jobs with IEEP visit their Career page.
Also Listing:

The successful applicant for this internship position will work within IEEP’s Low-carbon Circular Economy (LCCE) research programme, focusing on topics related to sustainable consumption and environmental economics, including the European Green Deal, the European Semester process, macroeconomic policies, taxation and economic instruments.

More on our Low-carbon Circular Economy programme.

The successful applicant will:

  • Coordinate the delivery of several policy papers, briefings related to the LCCE programme’s policy research and analysis needs while supporting the programme’s outreach and communication efforts. Possible tasks will include:
    • Undertaking evidence-based analysis (literature reviews, data collection, interviews) to support ongoing and future policy papers and analysis;
    • Drafting of policy reports, briefings and presentations;
    • Horizon scanning and monitoring of the international and European policy agenda (e.g. policy developments, meetings, news and opinions);
    • Organising outreach events and dissemination activities to ensure that the research reaches the intended target audiences and achieves political impact
    • Drafting of blog posts and other content for the IEEP website and social media channels

Practical details

This is a 6-month paid position under a full-time Vocational Training Contract (€1100 gross per month), with a possibility of extension for additional 6-months.

All applications must reach us by 9:00 CET on Monday, 5 October 2020.

Location: Brussels
Salary: €1100 gross per month
Starting date: As soon as possible
Deadline for applications: Monday, 5 October 2020

Send your completed application form and all other material to recruitment@ieep.eu, clearly marking the title of the email: LCCE junior policy researcher: YOUR NAME.


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