Title: Handa Information Assistant Time commitment: Full time, 2 April to end of August/start of September (precise dates to be arranged) Salary: Accommodation provided and some help with living expenses Location: Handa Island, Highlands Closing date: 14 March 2022, 9am
Handa Island is an unforgettable place on which to work. Come and work with us through one of our long term placements which will be essential for both your cv and for our work on the island!
Placements on Handa are widely recognised as important field experience and provide the successful applicant with valuable experience and networking opportunities with the Trust, the RSPB and with several seabird researchers and academics.
What we are looking for:
ability to handle the rigours of living and working in close proximity with others over a long period someone who is people focussed with good communication skills an all rounder, with a sense of humour and positive outlook
What you will get in return:
a lasting magical experience that will be the highlight of your year a wonderful work environment an opportunity to immerse yourself in nature