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Human-Wildlife Conflict Project

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location South Africa - Africa
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Voluntary & Interns
Deadline 30/11/2018
Company Name Volunteer 4 Africa
Contact Name Stephen
Telephone N/A
Fax N/A
Email info@volunteer4africa.org
Website Further Details / Applications
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This project is looking for hands-on and passionate research assistants to help support critical research into human-wildlife conflict. The project investigates the scale and nature of human-wildlife conflict and crop raiding on commercial farms in the area, as well as assessing local perceptions and tolerance towards wildlife ‘pests'. 
The project provides a fantastic opportunity to gain exposure to behavioural ecology and camera trapping, working with a range of experience professionals. You will be working with primates whilst developing a range of research skills, which is a perfect stepping stone for your future career in conservation.
The project is free to participate but research assistants need to cover their own accommodation and food costs. Accommodation costs are currently ZAR4,500 a month, with discounts for long-term commitments. There are kitchen facilities to prepare food.
Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. For further information and application instructions please visit the Volunteer Jobs section of our website.
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