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Health and Management of Captive Elephants in Jaipur

Reference   (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Terrestrial / Aquatic Ecology & Conservation
Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Water Resources
Location India (North) - Asia & M East
Company Name Wildlife Trust of India
Contact Name HR Department
Telephone +91-11-26326025
Fax +91-11-26326027
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Health and Management of Captive Elephants in Jaipur 
jaipur elephantsOf the 5000 captive elephants in India, a 100-odd live in the city of Jaipur, catering to tourists, under conditions that are greatly different from their natural habitat. Lack of green fodder and adequate water leads to health problems, which were addressed by a team of veterinarians at a health camp conducted over three days in Jaipur. This Occasional Report brings to light major issues concerning captive elephants and recommends measures to prevent and alleviate some of these. 
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