Title: Handa Volunteer Assistant Ranger (seabirds). Status: Full-time, Saturday 17th May to Saturday 6th September (approximately 16 weeks) Location: Handa Island, Sutherland Closing date: 9am, Monday 24th March 2025
This is an exciting and varied opportunity to live and work on this wonderful remote island. Work with our Handa Ranger staff undertaking a wide range of different tasks including seabird monitoring (kittiwakes, fulmars, guillemots, razorbills), practical work, landing and meeting visitors.
Placements on Handa provide the successful applicant with valuable experience and networking opportunities, with many volunteers subsequently moving into paid opportunities within the sector.
Please note, there may be more than one role available.
What we are looking for:
- ability to handle the rigours of living and working in close proximity with others over a long period
- candidates who “wear well” with others and can work as a team
- sense of humour and positive outlook
What you will get in return:
- a lasting magical experience that should be the highlight of your year
- a wonderful work environment
- an opportunity to immerse yourself in nature
Before completing the online application please see further details on the Handa volunteer page.
Please be aware that travel to Handa is extremely difficult by public transport and you would need to travel by car.