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H05 Rural, Water and Ecosystem Resources Unit - 5 positions

Reference   (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Water Resources
Location Italy (North) - Europe
Town/City Ispra
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 17/01/2012
Company Name Joint Research Centre
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : The Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) is one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC).
Also Listing:

THE CALL IS OPEN - The submission deadline is the 17th January 2012 (24h00 CET)

Located in Ispra (Italy), the Institute for Environment and Sustainability is one of the seven institutes that constitute the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

In line with the JRC mission, the aim of IES is to provide scientific and technical support to the European Union strategies for the protection of the environment contributing to sustainable development. The IES works in close collaboration with official laboratories, research centres and industries of the EU's Member States, creating a bridge between the EU's policies and the European citizen.

The combination of complementary expertise in the fields of experimental sciences, modelling and remote sensing puts the IES in a strong position to contribute to the implementation of the European Research Area and to the achievement of sustainable development.

Structured in seven scientific Units, the Institute is currently engaged in seven main fields of activity:

- Sustainable Use of Strategic Resources: Water, soils, forests, air, land, biodiversity 
- Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: Crop production, food security 
- Climate Change and Air Pollution: Reduction of GHG emissions 
- Environmental Risks and Natural Hazards: Fire, droughts, floods, desertification 
- Environmental Dimension of Development Cooperation: Focus on Africa 
- Environmental Monitoring and Information Systems: GMES and INSPIRE 
- Sustainability Assessment: Integrated socio-economic and environmental assessments; indicator development.

In order to increase and reinforce its capacity, and in order to encourage researchers to enhance their experience in an international, multicultural and multidisciplinary environment, the Institute for Environment and Sustainability launches calls for interest for Grantholders for Doctoral, Post-doctoral and Senior Research Positions.

The grants aim to develop training and mobility opportunities for researchers throughout their careers.

We are committed to a strong policy of equal opportunities. We will not discriminate against researchers in any way on the basis of gender, age, ethnic, national or social origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, language, disability, political opinion, social or economic condition.

Category 20 - PhD STUDENTS (12-36 months)
This category is intended for students who submit a proposal for doctoral studies related to a research area published in the Institute's call for interest for grantholders. Prior permission to follow the research project must be obtained from the professor responsible for following the thesis at the student's university (not obligatory at the time of the application). The selected candidates must provide proof of enrolment in a university's doctoral studies programme before the grant may be awarded and will have no more than six months from the date of the Commission's offer of a grantholder contract to produce this proof of enrolment.

Category 30 - POST-DOC RESEARCHERS (12-36 months) 
Researchers who hold a doctoral degree, have fulfilled all the obligations to obtain a PhD (certified by their university) or have a minimum of 5 years' research experience after the first university degree giving access to doctoral studies (which may include periods of training such as for a Masters degree), in a field relevant to the IES's scientific activities.

Category 40 - SENIOR RESEARCHERS (3-24 months)
Any senior scientist with a proven reputation in a field of science relevant to the IES's scientific activities and who has a minimum of 10 years' research experience at post-doctoral level or a minimum of 15 years' research experience following university graduation giving access to doctoral studies (which may include periods of training such as for a Masters degree).

The call for interest will remain open throughout the year but the available positions will be published for a minimum of 4 weeks, according to the needs and the budget availability of the Institute. The cut-off date is clearly defined in the text of the call.


The provisions of Grantholder contracts and their particular terms and conditions (e.g. remuneration, taxation, social security, holiday entitlement, etc.) can be found in the Vademecum/Guide for Grantholders (EN - IT). The grants are governed by the Administrative rules applicable from 17 February 2010 to the recruitment of grantholders under national law contracts within the framework of the research programmes managed by the Joint Research Centre (Employment Contract under Italian Employment Law EN - IT). 
Specific conditions: exceptional circumstances for derogation in the sequence of Grantholder contracts (art.5 of Administrative rules).



If you are interested in one of the projects published (see list below), please submit an online application before the closure of the call, specifying the number of the project in which you are interested, the Grantholder category, the duration and your possible starting date.

Please note that all candidates will receive a notification about the selection procedure from the IES Management Support Unit within 2 months of the closure of the call.


H02 Climate Change and Air Quality Unit - 1 position
  IES-2011-201111 Trend Analysis of global greenhouse gases and air pollutants emissions


H07 Land Management and Natural Hazards Unit - 2 positions
  IES-2011-201109 Future flood risk in Europe in view of climate change and land use dynamics
  IES-2011-201110 Global forecasting of hydrological extremes and water availability




H02 Climate Change and Air Quality Unit - 2 positions
  IES-2011-301124 Modelling impact of air quality on the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems
  IES-2011-301163 Climate modelling and renewable energy resource assessment


H03 Global Environment Monitoring Unit - 3 positions
  IES-2011-301129 Environmental Monitoring of Protected Areas through Remote Sensing
  IES-2011-301130 Development of Low Resolution imagery advanced processing system
  IES-2011-301154 Optical Remote Sensing of the Extreme in European & African Seas


H04 Monitoring Agricultural Resources Unit - 6 positions
  IES-2011-301155 Crop Model Development and Application in Climate Change Impact Studies
  IES-2011-301156 Crop monitoring and food security assessment
  IES-2011-301157 Satellite image portal developments
  IES-2011-301158 Automatic processing of LPIS inspection records in support of screening activities
  IES-2011-301159 Geo data modelling for agricultural policy management
  IES-2011-301160 Best practices in space data policy and space data access


H05 Rural, Water and Ecosystem Resources Unit - 5 positions
  IES-2011-301133 Modelling of water-borne diseases and chemicals
  IES-2011-301134 Water resources optimization modelling
  IES-2011-301136 Water Economics and Valuation of Watershed Services
  IES-2011-301152 Assessment of biophysical criteria in Areas with Natural Handicaps
  IES-2011-301161 Research on the impact of new pressures on freshwaters ecosystems and informing water policy


H07 Land Management and Natural Hazards Unit - 5 positions
  IES-2011-301141 Assessing current and future forest resources in Europe under diverse policy/climate scenarios
  IES-2011-301142 Analysis of climatology and ensemble forecasts of European and global fire weather
  IES-2011-301147 Hydrological modelling and statistical postprocessing of hydrological model output
  IES-2011-301148 European Land Use Modelling Platform: economic land functions
  IES-2011-301149 European Land Use Modelling Platform: models integration


H08 Sustainability Assessment - 2 positions
  IES-2011-301151 Sustainability and Europe beyond 2020
  IES-2011-301162 European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Footprint



H04 Monitoring Agricultural Resources Unit - 1 position
  IES-2011-401102 Crop modelling for food security monitoring
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