The consultant will be recruited by UNDP Country Office, under an overall technical guidance of the UNDP’s Regional Technical Advisors (RTA) for biodiversity with support from Regional Technical Advisors on climate change mitigation and chemicals management. The consultant will be expected to provide technical inputs in his focal area and lead quality assurance and control quality of inputs and outputs of all consultants and sub-contractors.
The following lists key responsibilities and deliverables of this contract. However, the PPG Implementation Plan provides further and more detailed guidance regarding the responsibilities of the PPG team and must be consulted accordingly.
Component A: Technical Review:
- Baseline studies including a desktop review of all relevant documents, actual and previous studies on Sharm El-Sheikh development plans, Green Sharm Initiative, Ministry of Tourism strategy, Sustainable Development Strategy, etc.
- Studies to address any opportunities/risks identified during the environmental and Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP)
- On-going projects and other initiatives that can be integrated with Sharm development plans, policies, budgets and complementary projects will be identified and incorporated in the project document. Activities of the same types could be implemented jointly and/or in parallel as long as projects calendars will permit it.
- Design climate change mitigation interventions in the project
- Outputs of stakeholder consultations during technical review and negotiations with on-going projects to align their activities and the project to build synergies.
Component b: Institutional arrangements, monitoring and evaluation
- Prepare a Theory of Change for the project detailing all underlying assumptions and expected impacts of the project as well as how the proposed interventions will lead to the expected transformational change.
- Finalize of project results framework with appropriate objective-level and outcome-level quantitative and qualitative SMART indicators, and end-of-project targets including inputs from biodiversity, chemicals management and Environment and Social Management Framework background consultants. Special attention will be made to include socio-economic and sex-disaggregated indicators.
- Develop a detailed M&E work plan, including clear identification of responsibilities and accountabilities, as well as an appropriate M&E budget. The plan will be based on the standard template provided in the UNDP-GEF project document template that reflects the mandatory requirements of the GEF M&E Policy.
- Conduct gender assessment, define the gender sensitivity of the project, and the best strategies for women’s engagement and benefits from the project.
- Develop a sustainability plan that outline the principles and guidelines for ensuring the long-term sustainability of project achievements. It will also outline an exit strategy, seeking the continuation of key activities/achievements without the need of long-term international financing.
- Identify the project management arrangements and governance mechanism including the organisational structure governing the project will be decided. This will include identification of the project board composition.
- Involve key agencies in the development of the project strategy to ensure strong national ownership. In close collaboration with key government representatives and other stakeholders, ensure full participation in the development of the project results framework and ensure agreement on the project objectives and outcomes. Undertake consultations to secure agreement(s) on project implementation arrangements, including roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of lead and partner agencies.
Component C: Financial planning and co-financing investments:
- Prepare a detailed multi-year budget following the standard template provided in the UNDP-GEF project document template that reflects the mandatory requirements of the GEF M&E Policy.
- Explore multilateral and bilateral co-financing opportunities and links with financial mechanisms and undertake a series of consultations with partners to ensure a coherent and sustainable financing package for the project.
- Explore resource mobilization via creation of new partnerships / a dialogue platform with old and new donors to support innovation in entrepreneurship for sustainable cities.
- Stakeholder consultations during the implementation of the PPG project will be carried out with key stakeholders including government entities, private sector entities, industry groups, donors and civil society organizations as part of the above-mentioned activities and describe how they will be engaged in project preparation.
Component D: Validation workshop:
A validation workshop will gather representatives from all relevant stakeholders to present, discuss and validate the final draft project document.
Expected Deliverables and Timeframe
The full UNDP-GEF package shall inter alia include the following documents:
- Finalized UNDP Project Document as per latest template in force
- Finalized GEF Request for CEO Endorsement and annexes
- Finalized SESP (Social & Environmental Standards)
- All co-financing letters