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Title | Forest Expert |
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FOR THE PROJECT “MediterRE3 - REstoring REsilience of Mediterranean landscapes to REduce GHG emissions from wildfires” Project agreement no. 81278123
1. Background Istituto Oikos is a non-profit organisation that operates in Europe and in the South of the world to safeguard biodiversity and to promote the widespread adoption of more sustainable lifestyles. Istituto Oikos has signed an agreement with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, German Development Agency) under the EUKI (Europäische Klimaschutzinitiative, European Initiative for Climate) framework for the implementation of the project MediterRE3. The objective of the project is to promote the reduction of fire-related GHG emissions in 3 target landscapes in Greece (Samarià NP/Lefka Ori mountains), Montenegro (Prokletije and Komovi NPs) and France (Luberon NRP), by enhancing the capacities of decision and policy makers and practitioners on the application of Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) principles for the fire-smart restoration of landscapes. The purpose of this invitation to tender is to award a contract to a Forest Expert to provide scientific advisory on forests management and climate change adaptation to project partners. 2. Tasks of the Forest Expert: - Lead the development and validation of guidelines for fire-smart landscape planning, restoration and management based on FLR principles and best practices at a Mediterranean level (Output I) by end of 2022:
3. Timetable
4. Value of the tender Please note that the maximum amount eligible for this call for tender is 66,000 (sixty-six thousand) Euros. All financial offers exceeding 66,000 Euros will not be considered nor accepted. The applicant shall provide its financial offer including any consultancy fees, travel costs, per diem, visa and insurance fees which will be the responsibility of the candidate. 5. How to submit tenders Tenderers need to request the full tender dossier as well as any clarification at segreteria.it@istituto-oikos.org Tenders, accompanied by the required documentation, shall be submitted in PDF format with electronic signature or handwritten signature with a copy of the ID of the signatory. Specifically tenders should include: - A technical proposal on how the applicant meets the selection criteria and requirements for the tasks specified above using Annex 1 of the tender dossier; - A signed CV; - A financial offer in the form of a lump-sum inclusive of all the costs associated with executing all tasks subcontracted, including travel and subsistence costs, taxes, etc. using Annex 2 of the tender dossier. Please submit tenders in English to segreteria.it@istituto-oikos.org by 23:59 on 13 December 2021 latest. 6. Evaluation of tenders The procedure for evaluating tenders will be as follows: a) Examination of the conformity of the proposal with the requirements in the call for tenders. Tenders deemed to be non-compliant at the end of this examination will be rejected; b) Evaluation of the technical quality of the tender, on the basis of the criteria described below; c) Scoring and classification of tenders evaluated in accordance with the criteria described below, d) Evaluation of the financial quality will be based on the criteria described below, only for tenders which have at least obtained the minimum technical score required; e) Comparison and classification of tenders according to the scores awarded f) Award of the contract provided that the amount of the tender falls within the financial resources provided for by the project.
6.1. Criteria for evaluating technical offers
Thus, a total of 80 score for the technical proposal. Only candidates with a technical score of 60 or more will be selected for the opening of financial offers/proposals.
6.2 Criteria for evaluating financial offers The financial score will be calculated as follows:
6.3 Comparison and ranking of offers The comparison of offers will be made on the basis of the ranking obtained from the overall score assigned to each bid, which is the sum of the technical score and the financial score. The maximum total is therefore 100 (one hundred) score.
Istituto Oikos reserves the right not to accept any offer or cancel the tender procedure without being obliged to provide the reasons for this decision.
7. Notification of the result All applicants will be notified with the tender results.