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Fisheries Research Scientist

Sectors Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Water Resources
Location England (London & Greater) - UK
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 16/12/2019
Company Name Marine Stewardship Council
Contact Name
Telephone +44 (0)2078113307
Website Further Details / Applications
Marine Stewardship Council logo
Directory Entry : The MSC is the world's leading certification and ecolabelling program for sustainable seafood.
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Are you interested in applying fisheries science to influence sustainability outcomes?

Can you lead innovative research?


We’re looking for a Fisheries Research Scientist, who can use best available research and data science to inform the MSC programme. You’ll be responsible for supporting the impact evaluation of the MSC, using internal databases and publicly available stock assessment and fisheries data.

You’ll also support the MSC’s transparent, reproducible science approach, including improving the workflow linking the Data and Research functions of the Science & Standards team. Your work will involve international travel, representing the MSC in national and international scientific meetings and conferences, and contributing to peer-reviewed publications.

Who are You?

You have a PhD or equivalent degree in quantitative marine sciences, with proven experience in fisheries research, data science and statistical analyses (stock assessment experience preferred, spatial modelling a plus). You also have excellent IT skills, including proven experience with statistical computing languages such as R, and excellent coding skills. 

You’ll thrive in a dynamic environment with a diverse range of expertise that requires a collaborative spirit, good communication, creative thinking and problem-solving skills.  You’re able to manage your time efficiently between short-term fast-paced tasks in support of other colleagues, alongside independent work on research projects you design and lead.

You will have a good understanding of marine resource management and conservation biology issues, as well as an interest in learning the MSC’s internal processes and governance structures. 

Who are we?

The MSC’s vision is for the world’s oceans to be teeming with life, and seafood supplies safeguarded for this and future generations.  Through our internationally-recognised certification and ecolabeling programme well-managed sustainable fisheries are recognised and rewarded in the market place, through the leadership of our partners.  Critically, other fisheries are incentivised to improve their performance to meet the growing demand for certified sustainable and traceable seafood choice.   Over 400 fisheries around the world, representing 16% of the annual global marine catch, are now engaged in the MSC programme and over 1200 documented improvements to the way our oceans are being fished have been recorded.  MSC certified and labelled seafood products are now available in over 100 countries.

Application Process – If interested, please email the following information to Recruitment@msc.org       

  • A cover letter outlining how your skills, experience and knowledge directly address the responsibilities and requirements detailed in the job specification, and include information on your salary expectations and right to work in UK information; and
  • A copy of your current CV.

Please ensure that they are sent as Word or PDF documents with the titles “your name cover letter” and “your name CV”. The subject of your email should read: Fisheries Research Manager.

Applications closing date:             16th December 2019 at 09:00 GMT

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