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Ecologist (Planning)

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Wales (North) - UK
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 29/07/2022
Company Name Snowdonia National Park Authority
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
Snowdonia National Park Authority logo
Also Listing:

Snowdonia National Park Authority protects the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of Snowdonia National Park. Covering 823 miles of diverse landscape, the Park is home to over 26,000 people, the highest mountain in Wales and England and the largest natural lake in Wales.

We are now looking for an experienced Ecologist to provide advice to the Development Management section within the Authority.

The Benefits

– Salary of £28,226 – £33,486
– Working within a majestic environment
– The opportunity to shape the future of the National Park

This is a brilliant opportunity for a high calibre planning professional to advance their career within the breath-taking scenery of Snowdonia, making a leading contribution to the developmental future of the park.

Your expertise will play an integral role in advancing our understanding of the special qualities, such as the endemic species, of the Snowdonia National Park.

The Role

As an Ecologist, you will work closely with the Land Management Directorate, providing advice and consultation. You will assess and provide specialist ecological advice on a range of development and land management proposals within the National Park.

As you undertake species and habitat surveys, your findings will directly influence corporate and departmental policy and associated supplementary planning guidance. Your reports will be instrumental in providing evidence to hearings, appeals and public enquiries.

Additionally, you will provide ecological input to The North Wales Environmental Information Service (Cofnod) where relevant to the development of the service.

About You

To be considered as an Ecologist, you will need:

  • The ability to communicate fluently in both Welsh and English
  • Experience of development planning and its application in respect of ecological and biodiversity matters
  • Knowledge of current and emerging legislation and policy in respect to ecological and biodiversity issues
  • Sound knowledge and experience of habitat management and sustainable land management practices
  • To hold an appropriate European Protected Species Licence for bats
  • Experience in writing scientific reports, committee reports, proofs of evidence for inquiries and witness statements
  • Full, valid driving licence

It would be beneficial to your application to have experience of using GIS applications and systems, as well as a knowledge of the protected species licensing arrangements.

Applications are accepted from individuals who commit to learning Welsh.

Applications for this position close on 29th July 2022.

Other organisations may call this role National Park Ecologist, Consultant Ecologist, District Ecologist, Planning Support Ecologist, Wildscapes Ecologist, or Planning Ecologist.

So, if you’re looking to conserve our stunning environment as an Ecologist, please apply via the button shown. This vacancy is being advertised by Webrecruit. The services advertised by Webrecruit are those of an Employment Agency.


Ecolegydd (Cynllunio)
Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd

Amdanom ni

Mae Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri yn gwarchod harddwch naturiol, bywyd gwyllt a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri. Gan orchuddio 823 milltir o dirwedd amrywiol, mae’r Parc yn gartref i dros 26,000 o bobl, mynydd uchaf Cymru a Lloegr a llyn naturiol mwyaf Cymru.

Rydym nawr yn chwilio am Ecolegydd profiadol i roi cyngor i’r adain Rheoli Datblygu o fewn yr Awdurdod.

Y Manteision

– Cyflog o £28,226 – £33,486
– Gweithio mewn amgylchedd mawreddog
– Y cyfle i lunio dyfodol y Parc Cenedlaethol

Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i weithiwr cynllunio proffesiynol o safon uchel i ddatblygu eu gyrfa o fewn golygfeydd godidog Eryri, gan wneud cyfraniad blaenllaw i ddyfodol datblygiadol y parc.

Bydd eich arbenigedd yn chwarae rhan annatod wrth ddatblygu ein dealltwriaeth o rinweddau arbennig, megis rhywogaethau endemig, Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri.

Y Rôl

Fel Ecolegydd, byddwch yn gweithio’n agos gyda’r Gyfarwyddiaeth Rheoli Tir, gan roi cyngor ac ymgynghori. Byddwch yn asesu ac yn darparu cyngor ecolegol arbenigol ar ystod o gynigion datblygu a rheoli tir o fewn y Parc Cenedlaethol.

Wrth i chi gynnal arolygon o rywogaethau a chynefinoedd, bydd eich canfyddiadau yn dylanwadu’n uniongyrchol ar bolisi corfforaethol ac adrannol a chanllawiau cynllunio atodol cysylltiedig. Bydd eich adroddiadau yn allweddol wrth ddarparu tystiolaeth i wrandawiadau, apeliadau ac ymholiadau cyhoeddus.

Yn ogystal, byddwch yn darparu mewnbwn ecolegol i Wasanaeth Gwybodaeth Amgylcheddol Gogledd Cymru (Cofnod) lle bo’n berthnasol i ddatblygiad y gwasanaeth.

Amdanoch chi

Er mwyn cael eich ystyried yn Ecolegydd, bydd angen:

– Y gallu i gyfathrebu’n rhugl yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg
– Profiad o gynllunio datblygu a’i gymhwyso mewn perthynas â materion ecolegol a bioamrywiaeth
– Gwybodaeth am ddeddfwriaeth a pholisi cyfredol a newydd mewn perthynas â materion ecolegol a bioamrywiaeth
– Gwybodaeth a phrofiad cadarn o reoli cynefinoedd ac arferion rheoli tir cynaliadwy
– Dal Trwydded Rhywogaeth a Warchodir gan Ewrop ar gyfer ystlumod
– Profiad o ysgrifennu adroddiadau gwyddonol, adroddiadau pwyllgor, proflenni tystiolaeth ar gyfer ymchwiliadau a datganiadau tystion
– Trwydded yrru lawn, ddilys

Byddai’n fuddiol i’ch cais fod â phrofiad o ddefnyddio cymwysiadau a systemau GIS, yn ogystal â gwybodaeth am y trefniadau trwyddedu rhywogaethau a warchodir.

Gall sefydliadau eraill alw’r rôl hon yn Ecolegydd y Parc Cenedlaethol, Ecolegydd Ymgynghorol, Ecolegydd Ardal, Ecolegydd Cefnogi Cynllunio, Ecolegydd Wildscapes, neu Ecolegydd Cynllunio.

Derbynnir ceisiadau gan unigolion sy’n ymrwymo i ddysgu Cymraeg.

Mae ceisiadau am y swydd hon yn cau ar 29 Gorffennaf 2022.

Felly, os ydych chi am warchod ein hamgylchedd syfrdanol fel Ecolegydd, gwnewch gais trwy’r botwm a ddangosir. Mae’r swydd wag hon yn cael ei hysbysebu gan Webrecruit. Mae’r gwasanaethau a hysbysebir gan Webrecruit yn rhai Asiantaeth Gyflogaeth.

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