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Sectors Terrestrial / Aquatic Ecology & Conservation
Location Brazil (East) - America South
Company Name FAPESP
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The Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo is one of the main funders of scientific and technological research of the country. With autonomy guaranteed by law, FAPESP is linked to the Department of Economic Development, Science and Technology of the State of São Paulo.

With an annual budget of 1% of the total tax revenue of the State, FAPESP supports research and funds research, exchange and dissemination of science and technology produced in São Paulo.

Methods of Support 

FAPESP supports research in science and technology through Research Grants and Aid to include all areas of knowledge: Biological Sciences, Health Sciences, Exact and Earth Sciences, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences, Applied Social Science Humanities, Linguistics, Letters and Arts.

The scholarships are aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate, and the aid, the researchers titration with minimal doctor linked to institutions of higher education and research in São Paulo. The Aid and Scholarships are awarded through three funding lines: Regular Line, Special Programs and Research Programs for Technological Innovation.

The Regular Line caters to spontaneous demand, ie the project proposals submitted by the initiative of undergraduate and postgraduate and research doctorates. In 2012, FAPESP allocated more than U.S. $ 368 million to finance Bags Regular domestic and foreign, and U.S. $ 437 million for Regular Research Theme and Projects.

The Special Programs are designed to encourage the development of research that will advance the frontiers of knowledge and meet the demands of System Science and Technology of the State of São Paulo and the country. Among these programs are the Support for Young Researchers, Public Education, Infrastructure Support, among others, in 2012, received more than £ 152 million.

Programs of Research for Innovation also have character inductor support research with the potential development of new technologies and practical application in various areas of knowledge, in tune with the policy of Science and Technology of the state government.Among the programs are funded Biota, Public Policy, Research Partnership for Technological Innovation (Pite) and Innovative Research in Small and Micro Enterprise (PIPE), among others. Disbursement from these programs in 2012 was R $ 76.9 million. criteria and evaluation procedures

All proposals submitted to FAPESP are evaluated by the criteria of scientific and technological adequacy norms Foundation.

The evaluation is done by peers - volunteer advisors chosen from researchers of recognized competence in activity in the State of São Paulo, in Brazil and abroad - according to the nature and area of ??knowledge in which it operates each proposal. 

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