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Reference   (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Sustainability, Climate, CSR, EMS
Location Canada (Alberta) - America North
Company Name ClimateCHECK
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Telephone +1 (888) 241-8003
Website Further Details / Applications
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ClimateCHECK helps companies achieve double dividend results on their GHG investments by capitalizing on carbon market opportunities, managing GHG inventories more efficiently, and investing in clean technologies with the right standards and strategies.

Where others see costly risk mitigation processes, we see business opportunities. Our team can help you do much more than document and manage your GHG emissions. Whether you’re invested in clean technologies, carbon neutral products, or offset projects, we can help you optimize your return on investment.

GHG management is about more than creating inventories and buying and selling credits. And, because our experience spans virtually every industry and sector, chances are we already understand yours.

Our services are customized to bring you business results, including:

  • Developing practical standards you can trust. Stringent verification is meaningless without the right standard. When you invest in a project or company that isn’t founded on best practices and standards, you also take on significant risk. We work with you to set the standard, developing the right methodology so your investments deliver a better return.
  • Implementing effective programs to manage GHG emissions. Many companies can help you create inventories of your GHG emissions. But your management systems may not deliver the expected returns. We establish GHG action plans to help you meet your targets. We also help you identify emissions credits you may not have known about. And we can train your team so they can efficiently manage your GHG program. You can expect more than just compliance from your GHG investment.
  • Optimizing emissions reduction projects. Many projects under-perform because of poorly designed protocols. Our expertise across industries, our knowledge of GHG standards, and our tools and verification enable us to optimize your project performance.

When you set the standard, you get a better return.

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