The Terms of Reference outlines proposed support to the Solomon Islands Ministry for Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management (MECDM) and Ministry for Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) to develop a concept for the “Provincial Climate Change Resilience Building Programme”. The MECDM and MPGIS are in the nascent stages of a collaboration to develop the Programme. An initial Idea Note has been drafted by the Government outlining the needs and justification, and proposed approaches and objectives. The government intend to develop this initial proposition into a detailed concept, with preliminary parameters, assessment of and recommendations for potential funding sources and a work plan for development.
It is well understood that climate and disaster risks are projected to continue to increase in the Solomon Islands in the coming years. This is due to the continuous increase in intensity and frequency of particular hazards (e.g. extreme rainfall and temperature), in combination with social factors such as (but not limited to) an increasing population, thin economic base and high levels of political uncertainty.
The population of the Solomon Islands is highly dispersed, with more than 80 percent living in rural areas. This places formidable challenges on development activities, and reinforces the importance of localised service delivery, such as through Provincial Governments and Ward Development Committees. Solomon Islands has nine provinces with elected provincial assembly members, and within each a number of Wards.
The current level of recurrent funding allocated to the nine Provincial Government’s is SBD7.5 million per annum, and the provinces then collect an additional SBD45 million (USD5.5 million) through fees and licenses each year. This collective revenue is grossly inadequate to allow each of the Government’s to recruit qualified staff or provide services stipulated as their responsibility under the Provincial Government Act (PGA), 1997.
As a result, projects such as the UNDP and UNCDF implemented Provincial Governance Strengthening Programme (PGSP) have been supplementing the National Government contribution to sub-national governance and development, capacity strengthening and service delivery. Amongst other activities, the PGSP has worked to strengthen the linkages from national government through provincial governments and down to communities. The PGSP is currently in its second phase (2016-2020), and it is intended that the Provincial Climate Change Resilience Building Project would build on and complement the success to date of these activities. It would do this by building resilience into, or risk informing PGSP projects, in addition to providing additional funds for service delivery.
The objective of the Provincial Climate Change Resilience Building Programme is to: “increase resilience of provincial governments and communities to combat climate change and related hydro-meteorological disaster risks”. The expected outputs are:
- A new stock of resilient social and economic infrastructure designed and constructed in provinces
- Increased opportunities for highly vulnerable communities to meet their needs
- Environmental services that are improved to and more resilient
- Provincial governments’ capacity to promote and practise climate change adaptation and mitigation and risk reduction through governance for resilience is strengthened.
Through this programme, climate change and disaster risks and resilience outcomes will be realised through the integration of risk and resilience elements into the existing flag-ship performance based mechanism, the Provincial Capacity Development Fund (PCDF) (which is managed by the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening). The programme has the potential to create learning and provide a platform for future climate change, disaster and social risk integration into provincial development policies and budgeting processes.