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Consultant Expert pour la Préparation et Financement de la REDD+

Reference   (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Sustainability, Climate, CSR, EMS
Location Congo (Dem. Rep.) - Africa
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Senior Level
Deadline 13/10/2012
Company Name UNDP
Contact Name Human Resources
Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. For environmental jobs with UNDP visit their website. Or for more environmental jobs search environmentjobs.com
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Location: Kinshasa, CONGO, DEM. REPUBLIC
Application Deadline: 13-Oct-12
Additional Category Environment and Energy
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: International Consultant
Languages ??Required:
English French  
Starting Date:
(date When the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract: 4 months


Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is engaged in a process of preparation for future international Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD +). This process is led by the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism (MECNT), in partnership with the United Nations program for REDD (UN-REDD) and the World Bank (FCPF program). He started in January 2009 with the first joint mission with the MECNT the three partner agencies UN-REDD Programme (UNDP, FAO, UNEP), the FCPF and stakeholders (civil society, NGOs, etc..). End of March 2010, a first step was taken with the approval of the plan of preparing the country for REDD (R-PP) by the Board of Direction of the UN-REDD and FCPF Participants Committee. government has uniqueness part of the national REDD + as a founding principle in January 2009. It has resulted in the creation of the National Coordination REDD (NC-REDD), which ensures the coordination role between the various support programs such as the UN-REDD, FCPF but the FIP World Bank, the CBFF and bilateral support (even if they are still limited at this stage).


The work of the NC-REDD are under the responsibility of the Director of Sustainable Development MECNT. They are organized to cover the four components of the roadmap of national preparedness: IEC and capacity building strategy building and implementation tools; experimentation, engagement investment phase

The main conclusion of the sixth joint mission was as follows: in terms of Readiness, the DRC can not finalize the preparation phase than during the investment phase starting in 2013. Other key recommendations include:

  • Focus on the preparations necessary for implementation of the National REDD + Fund Multi-donor. ;
  • Review the role of the National Coordination REDD + and ensure its operation to support Phase 2 investment;
  • Ensure a strong decentralization of operational planning and implementing REDD + programs;
  • Develop the end of 2012 a national REDD + strategy "framework", which defines, among other things, the investment leads to the next 5 years and a clear vision on decentralization thrust of REDD +.

To respond to the recommendations and ensure their implementation faces a tight schedule, UNDP recruits (e) Consultant (e) international (e) to abut on the CN-REDD/DDD/MECNT operational implementation of a number of strategic projects (Fonds National REDD + Strategy Framework REDD +), focusing particularly on the financing aspects of REDD +.

This work will be conducted with all stakeholders REDD + process and will facilitate the development and extension, harmonization with the various works of the NC-REDD, assistance in decision-making and planning processes of national dialogue with stakeholders and developing a shared national vision, facilitating consensus and arbitration.


Duties and Responsibilities

Under the authority of the Director of Sustainable Development MECNT, operating under the supervision of the National Coordinator of the NC-REDD and Team Leader of the Poverty Unit of UNDP DRC, (la) Consultant (e) "Preparation and Financing REDD + "assumes three main functions: 

  • Implement the Work Plan to operationalize the National REDD + Fund of the DRC (40%);
  • Support consultations for validation and ownership of the REDD + Strategy Framework in the DRC and the commitment of the government and donors in identifying opportunities and constraints to REDD financing for its investment phase (30% );
  • Support the launch of the new UNDP-Norway "Capacity Support and strategy for the preparation of the DRC REDD +" and ensure coordination and integration of activities conducted under the REDD + process in the DRC with other sites relevant Programme UNDP Poverty and Environment (30%). 

More specifically this will include (but not exclusively):

Implement the work plan to operationalize the National REDD + Fund DRC : The government has identified the establishment of a financial mechanism, in the form of a National Fund, as a central element of the framework implementation of REDD + in DRC. In order to acquire a financial instrument operational from 2012 to deploy the investment phase of the REDD + process in 2013, the government, through the MECNT, requested UNDP to support the implementation National REDD + Fund and to ensure the functions of administrative officer on an interim basis, through its Office for multi Fund (Multipartners Trust Funds, MPTF).

Work for the establishment of the Fund started in March 2012 and should lead by the end of 2012 on the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government and UNDP. Once the MOU is signed, the technical work operationalization of the Fund shall be incurred. It will be mainly:

  • Initiate and control the various consultancies for the establishment of the Operations Manual National REDD + Fund. This manual will detail the operating procedures of the various windows Fund funding, roles, duties and responsibilities of each actor in the governance of the Fund;
  • Ensure exchange of expertise with countries already engaged in the implementation of the National Climate Fund / REDD +, controlling the consultancy of UN-REDD Global for a workshop of experts in the DRC;
  • Ensure the involvement of the government party (Ministry of Finance and MECNT) and consult, inform stakeholders of the REDD + process in the DRC on the operational modalities of the National Fund REDD + in DRC (including civil society and donors).  

Support consultations for validation and ownership of the REDD + Strategy Framework in the DRC:

DRC enters fully into the investment phase of the REDD + process in early 2013. As part of the preparatory phase, the DRC wants to develop a National Framework Strategy REDD +. This document is intended to provide both national and international vision of the DRC for the implementation of REDD + policy ambitious policy options and programmatic activities that the country intends to achieve this, the implementation framework implementation of REDD + in DRC and its action plan for the period 2013-2016.

A series of consultations must be held by early 2013 to ensure the validation both at the political and technical guidelines adopted by the Framework Strategy and, through a multi-sectoral and sectoral dialogue. The key ministries are engaged in a constant dialogue both upstream of the COP18 (Qatar) and the return of the Climate Conference.

The (la) Consultant (s) will be responsible for the following:

  •  Write the part of the framework strategy on financing mechanisms for REDD + in DRC (National Fund and payments for environmental services);
  • Support the consulting activities of the NC-REDD Strategy Framework with at least two key ministries, including the Ministry of Finance;
  • Support the organization and facilitation of a National Workshop Validation Framework Strategy in November 2012;
  • Be part of the Technical Secretariat to organize a Forum on Green Economy, to mobilize high-level government and the private sector in this context, (la) Consultant (s) will be responsible for the production of Terms of Reference of the Forum and to support the identification of national and international expertise required;
  • Support the establishment of a joint working group of government-donor intended to identify opportunities and constraints for scaling up of REDD + in DRC; 
  • Act as the focal point of the CN-REDD among stakeholders (government, NGOs, private sector) involved in the development of a Project Idea Note (PIN) for the establishment of a Program Emission Reductions (ER-Program) on the territory of May Ndombe.

Support the launch of the new UNDP-Norway "Capacity Support and strategy for the preparation of the DRC REDD +" and ensure coordination and integration of activities conducted under the REDD + process in the DRC with other sites relevant Programme UNDP Poverty and Environment:

The REDD + process in the DRC is in transition: the country is required to fully enter into the investment phase, namely a scaling up of interventions as investments, with an emphasis on implementation as well as the decentralization and financing. To do this, the NC-REDD will continue to play a central role and pulse, coordination, guidance and technical framework of the process. These operational functions should be revisited and concentrated to meet the dual challenge of consolidating the preparation phase (under implementation, MRV, SIS, etc..) And support the implementation of investment programs.

Project "Support to capacity and strategy for the preparation of the DRC REDD +" UNDP funded by Norway aims to support the consolidation of the preparation phase, by focusing on the decentralization process. The project will begin in late 2012, with a launch in the first two months of 2013.

In addition, UNDP DRC is currently preparing its Action Program 2013-2017, one of the three axes will focus on investing in a green economy and the capacity of natural resource management. In addition to its support for the REDD + process in the DRC as part of the project funded by Norway, UNDP is supporting a number of initiatives directly related to the promotion of green development path, such as Access Initiative Sustainable Energy for all supported by the National Energy Commission, the project of the European Union on the establishment of NAMAs in the agriculture and energy, etc..

As such, the (la) Consultant (s) will be responsible (e):

  • Support the launch of the UNDP project Capacity Development for REDD + financed by Norway;
  • Establish and support a working group within the MECNT and coordination with partners UN-REDD and FCPF to clarify the functions of the NC-REDD over the period 2013-2016;
  • Support the identification of operational synergies between the project and NAMAs activities under REDD + (including the National Register REDD +);
  • Suggest ways in terms of private sector involvement in the implementation of REDD + policy DRC.  

Expected results: A monthly progress report will be given by (the) Consultant (s) and provide the basis for the payment of fees. He / She will present the activities undertaken, results achieved, lessons of the period and the analysis of possible deviations from the expected deliverables of the mission, as well as an outline of future work. The (la) Consultant (e) will be required to produce various documents for the duration of its mission. Among these deliverables, a number will be archived and will form the basis of its performance evaluation, annexed to monthly reports:


November 2012: 

  • Parts of the framework strategy on financing mechanisms for REDD + in DRC;
  • Terms of Reference of the Forum on Green Economy;
  • Supporting documents and information on the national REDD + funds.

December 2012:

  • Terms of reference for consultancy assignments designed to produce the Operations Manual of the National REDD + Fund;
  • Short note framing for the launch of a government-donor dialogue on the commitment of the investment phase of REDD + in DRC.

January 2013:

  • TDR Inception Workshop of the Project "Support to capacity and strategy for the preparation of the DRC REDD +";
  • Operational roadmap of NC-REDD over the period 2013-2016.

February 2013:

  • Revision of the Project Idea Note Program Emission Reduction to submit FCPF Carbon Fund in March 2013; 
  • Terms of Reference on cooperation between Brazil and the DRC as part of the MOU signed between the two countries on supporting the implementation of national REDD + Fund DRC.  

Expected impacts:

  •  Entry of the DRC in Phase 2 REDD + process, based on a funding mechanism coordinated international political ownership and consistent technical framework strategy for REDD + in DRC and coordination focused on a few goals key; 
  • The government and donors have a shared understanding of commitments to be entered into for investment phase of REDD + in DRC;
  • Government and the private sector have a common understanding of the contributions of each in achieving a green economy;
  • The preparation phase for REDD + in DRC is consolidated through a process of decentralization and capacity development efforts. 



Interactive ability:

  • Establishes standards and performance objectives and assume the responsibilities involved.

Focus on Results:

  • Plans and produces quality results to meet the objectives.


  • Demonstrates communication skills written and oral.


Required Skills and Experience


  • Master or equivalent in political science, economics and management, natural sciences, agronomy or a related discipline development thereto.


  • Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in international development, with at least 2 years experience in planning and managing projects and programs;
  • Understanding of the issues and processes of climate change and the challenges of tropical forestry;
  • Good knowledge of climate finance and national mechanisms (such as the National Fund) to catalyze knowledge of financing for REDD +;
  • Minimum 2 years experience in supporting policy and / or implementation of projects in Central Africa. Experience in DRC would be an asset;
  • Knowledge of procedures and core values ??of the United Nations.

Language Requirements:

  • Mastery of French. Knowledge of French will be considered an asset.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CVs showing the most relevant experience and a letter of motivation.

Applicants are invited to submit their CVs, indicating the most relevant experiences in relation to the terms of reference of the mission.

Reviews of tenders:

  • The approach used for the evaluation of bids will be the best quality / price ratio (or combined score): it combines the qualifications of bidders who have obtained at least a score of 70% at the end of the evaluation of the provides technical and financial proposal which represent 30% of all points of the evaluation of the bidder.
  • CVs of applicants who do not meet the relevant criteria as detailed in the terms of reference will not be considered.
  • The evaluation of proposals is carried out in two stages. The evaluation of the technical proposal being completed prior to opening the financial proposals. Technical proposals will be evaluated based on the degree of response to terms of reference. Financial Proposals will be considered only for Bidders who have completed the required criteria and have obtained at least a score of 70% in the evaluation of the technical bids.
  • The contract will be awarded to the tenderer with the highest percentage, after combining the scores of the evaluation of the technical offer (representing 70% of the total) and those of the financial offer (representing 30% of total).
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