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Consultancy for NIUE GEF- 6 AREAN Project - Low Carbon Technology Applications Specialist

Sectors Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location Samoa - Australasia
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Senior Level
Deadline 06/03/2018
Company Name UNDP
Contact Name Human Resources
Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. For environmental jobs with UNDP visit their website. Or for more environmental jobs search environmentjobs.com
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The proposed project will facilitate the application of appropriate policy, institutional, financial, technological and information-oriented options that would enable the removal of the current gaps in the widespread application of EE and RE technologies in the energy sector in Niue that will ultimately also realize the timely achievement of the NiSERM target. Achieving the %RE electricity target is currently hampered by the grid instability problems when more RE-based power generation units are integrated into the country’s utility grid. While actions to address this typical problem in island grids with connected RE-based power generation units are currently being studied and planned, other feasible options such as solar home systems (SHS) for individual houses or decentralized solar PV systems in each village will be explored and implemented. Moreover, addressing the barriers that are hindering the achievement of increased efficiency of utilizing energy in specific end use sectors such as the buildings (government, residential and commercial) and water and waste sectors will result in lower energy (especially electricity) demand. The reduction of energy demand will also contribute to the achievement of the %RE electricity target.

The project focus is on the enhanced application of low carbon technologies, techniques and practices to support Niue’s sustainable development, in general, and achieve the country’s energy road map target, in particular. The project will comprise of components that will specifically address each major type of barrier to the improved efficiency of energy utilization and renewable energy applications to support climate resilient and low carbon development of Niuean communities. Specifically, these components will comprise of interventions to enable energy efficiency applications to reduce energy demand in the major end use sectors, and the facilitation of increased installation of feasible RE-based power generation systems in the country for supporting low carbon development. Each outcome will in general be realized through the implementation of the following major strategies:

  1. Formulation, approval and enforcement of appropriate policy and regulatory frameworks in the application of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in the major energy end-use sectors;
  2. Development and implementation of a suitable institutional framework for the effective enforcement of plans, policies, regulations, and implementation of programs/projects, on the application of climate resilient and low carbon technologies in the energy end-use sectors;
  3. Facilitation of enabling actions that will lead to increased availability of, and access to, financing for sustainable energy, energy access and low carbon development initiatives in the energy end-use sectors;
  4. Development and implementation of cost-effective demonstrations of the application of climate resilient and low carbon technologies, techniques and practices that can be adopted and implemented in the energy end use sectors;
  5. Organization and conduct of promotional campaigns and public information, communication and education activities to improve levels of awareness and attitude of the end use sectors towards climate resilient and low carbon development.


Duties and Responsibilities

The Low Carbon Technology Applications will be responsible for the design and development of the project activities related to the capacity building, evaluation of technical viability, and showcasing of the identified feasible low carbon technologies.



Technical Work

  • Strong expertise on building energy efficiency (EE) management and technology application project design and/or implementation;
  • Proven experience in leading design of EE project proposals, particularly on building EE;
  • Familiarity with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other similar related international conventions;
  • Ability to be strategic, creative and proactive in project design and in guiding/advising other building practitioners including understanding new terminology and concepts easily;
  • Familiarity with UNDP and GEF programming policies, templates and requirements for project design especially climate change mitigation


  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior members of national institutions;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Excellent technical writing and written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize relevant collected data and findings for the preparation of quality analysis for the project proposal;
  • Excellent coordination skills and result oriented collaboration with colleagues – especially for in this case, the national/state level energy personnel;


  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Good team player with the ability to maintain good relationships.


Required Skills and Experience


  • Master’s degree or higher in a relevant field, such as Engineering, Applied Sciences, Energy technologies, and related subjects


  • At least 10 years’ experience designing and/or implementing low carbon energy projects in developing countries;
  • Proven and extensive experience in the conduct of technical studies on energy technologies development and application, assessment of Low Carbon Technologies and design of low carbon technology application projects particularly in small island settings;
  • Proven and extensive international experience in designing and implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency projects;
  • Experience in UNDP/GEF CCM project formulation/design;
  • Knowledge of other donors’ including EU, JICA and WB projects and implementation approaches would be an advantage;
  • Ability to conduct research and analysis;
  • Highly developed inter-personal, negotiation and teamwork skills, networking aptitude;
  • Regional and national knowledge is highly desirable


  • Excellent english written and communications skills


Please visit the procurement website to download copy of the TOR and relevant templates to assist with your proposal: http://procurement-notices.undp.org.

Please group all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows to upload maximum one document or send all documents to procurement.ws@undp.org


UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
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