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Conservation Officer - North West Victoria

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Australia (Victoria) - Australasia
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 03/12/2019
Company Name Trust for Nature
Contact Name
Telephone 03 8631 5888.
Website Further Details / Applications
Trust for Nature logo
Directory Entry : Trust for Nature is a not-for-profit organisation that works to protect native plants and wildlife in cooperation with private landowners. Our native plants and wildlife provide us with not only important services, such as clean water and resources, but they are important in and of themselves. However, as two-thirds of Victoria is privately owned, many of these species and their habitats are not currently getting the necessary protection.
Also Listing:

Trust for Nature is a not-for-profit organisation that works collaboratively to protect nature on private land forever. We have protected about 100,000 ha across both covenants and our conservation reserves, as well as managing 44 reserves and operating a Revolving Fund for conservation property purchases. We have since evolved into one of Victoria’s primary land conservation organisations, with several tools to help people protect biodiversity on private land.

About the Opportunity

Trust for Nature is seeking a full time, fixed term Conservation Officer for the North West area of Victoria based in Castlemaine. 

The Conservation Officer undertakes targeted covenant and stewardship visits and has responsibility for monitoring and ensuring the appropriate management of registered covenanted properties in the region. The role assists the landowner to manage habitat on private land by compiling management plans for covenanted properties and reports to the North West Area Manager.

The role requires a technical and generalist understanding of issues relating to the protection and management of native habitat. A demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing and a capacity to establish good relationships with landholders are considered critical to achieving conservation gains on private lands.

The ideal applicant will have a commitment to biodiversity conservation, with a background in natural resource management and have excellent interpersonal skills.

The position is a fixed term contract commencing in January 2020 until 30 June 2020. The base full time salary is $62,111 per annum, plus 9.5% superannuation, plus travel costs based on RACV rates.  Access and use of own vehicle is essential.

A National Police Check is required as part of the selection process.

How to apply

Download the position description

Want to know more? Please see the attached Position Description outlining the role responsibilities and key selection criteria. Also visit the Trust for Nature website https://www.trustfornature.org.au/ for information about the Trust. For further information about the role contact Deanna Marshall Area Manager on mobile: 0477 168 808. 

Applications must address the key selection criteria from the position description, include a cover letter, resume and the contact details of 3 referees and should be forwarded by 5pm on Tuesday 3 December 2019 to recruitment@tfn.org.au 

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