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Cilmate Trainers

Sectors Sustainability, Climate, Environment Management
Location England (North West) - UK
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 21/06/2021
Company Name Cumbria Action for Sustainability
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
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If you are passionate about combatting climate change, knowledgeable about climate science and solutions, or have experience of delivering or developing training, we would love to hear from you. We are looking for four friendly, articulate and highly motivated trainers to help meet the growing demand for our very popular climate and carbon literacy courses.  You will work as a freelance contractor, over a five-year period, to help us train more than 3000 people from a wide variety of backgrounds and organisations. You would be paid £19.50 an hour, for all the hours you worked, including for preparation, course delivery and admin.
Our courses range from full-day accredited carbon literacy training to 30-minute introductory sessions.
This is a great opportunity to do interesting work with an award-winning environmental charity and help inspire and inform people to take action to combat climate change at an individual, organisational and community level


Please send a CV and a covering letter (each must be a maximum of two pages, in size 12 font) clearly showing how you meet or exceed each of the evaluation criteria, to carbonliteracy@cafs.org.uk

Closing date 5pm Monday 21 June.

Interviews will be held on Tuesday 29 or Wednesday 30 June via Zoom and those selected for interview will be notified by email by 5pm on Wednesday 23 June. 


If you prefer to download the job description and person specification, please use the link here Role-description-evaluation-criteria-and-how-to-apply-Contractor-Climate-Trainer

Due to the huge interest in our climate training programme, Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS) is seeking four additional trainers to support the delivery of our expanding climate and carbon literacy training programme. The successful candidates will work as contractors over a 5-year period.


Vision: Towards a zero carbon Cumbria – bringing about a better way of life in balance with our environment.

Mission: To empower and enable people, communities and businesses to live and work more sustainably by sharing our knowledge, practice, skills, networks and practical experience.

Now in our 21st year, CAfS is an award-winning charity with a team of more than 20 highly skilled staff working with specialist contractors and volunteers to deliver around 20 transformational low-carbon projects each year.

We are the leading organisation in Cumbria showcasing low carbon living, energy efficiency improvements, renewable technology and reduced use of fossil fuels, both on a domestic scale and in the community. We manage and deliver events, advice, training and practical projects across the county as well as providing specialist consultancy services to enable individuals, communities, businesses and local authorities to drive a shift towards a zero carbon Cumbria.


The National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund awarded £2.5m to support the most extensive programme of action to tackle climate change ever seen in Cumbria. Cumbria Action for Sustainability led the bid on behalf of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership (ZCCP) for its ‘Zero Carbon Cumbria – By the People, For the People’ project. The ZCCP brings together over 70 organisations in the public, private, community and charity sectors with the aim of reducing the county’s greenhouse gas emissions and making Cumbria carbon neutral by 2037.

Eleven of the organisations in the ZCCP will be involved in directly delivering elements of the lottery funded project and the whole ZCCP will be involved in wider decarbonisation programmes in order to reach the county’s zero carbon goal.

For more information about the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership and the National Lottery funded work, go to: https://cafs.org.uk/our-projects/zero-carbon-cumbria-programme/


As well as managing the whole Zero Carbon Cumbria project, CAfS is also delivering the crucial carbon literacy and climate training strand of the project.

Carbon literacy training inspires the behaviour change needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It increases knowledge, understanding, confidence and sense of agency by providing people, communities and organisations with the information, training, support, networks and tools they need to make positive changes.

It enables informed decision making. Recipients feel empowered to make changes to their lives at home and at work, share their learning and driving positive environmental changes. Our training sessions are highly interactive, and we offer a variety of set courses, ranging from full-day, accredited carbon literacy training, to 90-minute introductory sessions on climate science and solutions for Cumbria. Some are open courses, bookable on the CAfS website, and we also develop bespoke courses for specific audiences.

There is strong demand for this kind of training from individuals, community groups, local authorities, schools, businesses, parish councils and others. We have an existing pool of expert trainers in the CAfS staff team and need to recruit additional contractors to respond to increasing demand.

This is a really exciting opportunity to be part of a transformational shift in knowledge and attitudes to the climate crisis in the county.


The team of climate and carbon literacy trainers will between them:

  • Train 3000 people from a range of backgrounds over the 5-year programme.
  • Deliver a broad range of climate sciences and solutions courses to a diverse range of groups and organisations.
  • Develop new bespoke courses for specific audiences as the project progresses.
  • Gather evidence to evaluate whether the training is increasing knowledge about climate change and motivating people to take action.


  • Deliver CAfS existing climate sciences and solutions courses to a diverse range of groups and organisations, initially online, but also with face-to-face delivery when restrictions allow.
  • Respond rapidly and reliably to email communication from CAfS about availability and commit to deliver course dates once assigned.
  • Communicate well, building a friendly rapport with clients and delegates, and a strong and credible reputation for the training service and CAfS.
  • Deliver all agreed courses once a commitment has been made to do so.
  • Attend training provided by CAfS on how to use the training materials.
  • Observe training delivered by CAfS’ trainers.
  • Set up and manage online sessions on MS Teams, Zoom or other platforms, including use of polls and breakout rooms.
  • Contribute to the ongoing review and improvement of materials.
  • Complete all admin required, including setting up Teams meetings, sending poll results, attendee data, and saved chats to CAfS.
  • Read and adhere to all CAfS policies provided, including GDPR and safeguarding.
  • Use the CAfS email address provided for all correspondence related to the programme.
  • Hold required insurance (at the time of delivery) comprising:
    • Public Liability Insurance: £5m
    • Professional Indemnity Insurance: £2m

There may also be opportunities for contracted trainers, once they have become familiar with existing materials, to be paid to lead on the development of a new bespoke course, if it sits in their area of expertise. However, it is expected that development of new materials will sit initially with CAfS’ employed staff.


The hourly rate of £19.50 will be paid for all hours worked, including preparation time, administration time, course delivery time, feeding back from course delivery, attending training required by CAfS, completing monitoring and evaluation and reviewing or developing course materials. A set number of hours will be agreed in advance for each deliverable based on CAfS’ extensive experience of delivering similar work. This will be reviewed as the project progresses to ensure that the time allocated is fair and accurate.

We estimate that there may be 100-500 hours of work available per trainer each year (i.e. an average of 1 – 5 days per month) although this is not guaranteed. We will communicate available work to all trainers simultaneously and ask for quick expressions of interest. We will match trainers to the available work on variable criteria which may include availability, location, experience and skillset. We aim to ensure the work is distributed across the pool of contractors.

Expenses for pre-agreed travel will be paid at 45p/mile.

A CAfS email address will be provided.

CAfS will provide access to MS Teams/ Zoom accounts as required.

CAfS is not VAT registered. The above rate is the total amount and would therefore include VAT for any trainers who are themselves VAT registered.

We accept applications from both individuals and organisations. For applications from an organisation, we would require named trainers with each individual trainer’s skills and experience clearly identified.

Please contact carbonliteracy@cafs.org.uk if you have any questions.


Climate-related knowledge and experience

  • Knowledge and experience of climate science, sustainable living and emission reduction solutions for individuals, communities and organisations.
  • Relevant qualifications

(Maximum score available 35)

Training ability and experience

  • Experience of delivering training or presentations to diverse audiences.
  • Ability to host training sessions, speak confidently to groups in person and online and to inspire and motivate others.
  • Experience of developing training materials.

(Maximum score available 35)


  • Meticulously reliable and organised with excellent planning skills and a commitment to reliable admin, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Ability to work flexibly and to clearly communicate availability.
  • Experience of using online platforms such as MS Teams and Zoom, computer skills, specifically Microsoft office applications, including Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Highly motivated, with a proactive attitude and ability to work independently and?cooperatively as part of a small team.

(Maximum score available 30)

Total potential score 100

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