This full-time exempt position serves our conservation partners with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), National Fish & Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Walton Family Foundation (WFF) in the Mississippi Delta. The primary job duty is to coordinate and deliver partnership efforts at Delta National Forest, a 60,000-acre mature bottomland hardwood forest, with over 30,000 acres of USDA Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE) immediately adjacent. Primary activities include habitat management oversight, outreach and education for management of WREs, conservation program sign-up for additional WREs, conservation planning, and delivery of on-the-groundwork. This position will also lead additional public lands work in the southern portion of Mississippi’s Delta related to our Gulf Ecosystems Benefit Fund (GEBF) project. By growing our presence in the Mississippi Delta we also grow DU’s capacity to secure additional funding for the future.
To apply, please fill out the application materials on this link: and attach a cover letter, resume and information for three references (email and phone numbers). For further information regarding this position, please contact Jerry Holden at