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Administrative Assistant – UK & Ireland

Sectors Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location England (London & Greater) - UK
Salary Additional Information Working Hours: Full time Fixed term contract: 1 Year
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level First Level
Deadline 16/01/2020
Company Name Marine Stewardship Council
Contact Name
Telephone +44 (0)2078113307
Website Further Details / Applications
Marine Stewardship Council logo
Directory Entry : The MSC is the world's leading certification and ecolabelling program for sustainable seafood.
Also Listing:

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), a global non-profit organization, is seeking an Administrative Assistant supporting our Program Director, UK & Ireland.  This post is an exciting opportunity to work closely with a high performing and busy regional team located at the heart of MSC’s headquarters in London, UK. The role will perform cross-function support to the UK & Ireland’s commercial, fisheries, and marketing communications team.

Who are you?

You will:

  • Be an experienced administrator with excellent Microsoft Office skills, particularly Outlook, Excel, Word, SharePoint, PowerPoint and Office 365
  • Exhibit excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Have exceptional organisational skills with experience in making executive travel arrangements, event planning and managing multiple calendars across various time zones
  • Have the ability to work across cross-cutting teams, write minutes to a high standard, organise and manage quarterly team meetings, and work efficiently in a high-paced environment
  • Care about the health of our oceans and the marine life within it

Who are we?

The MSC’s vision is for the world’s oceans to be teeming with life, and seafood supplies safeguarded for this and future generations.  Through our world-leading certification and ecolabeling program we recognize and reward sustainable fisheries by offering a voluntary, incentive-based program that assesses the sustainability of fisheries through a rigorous certification process. With nearly 400 fisheries around the world in MSC programme, representing 16% of the annual global marine catch, we are helping lead the way in global sustainable marine harvesting.

Application process

If interested, please email the following information to Recruitment@msc.org   

  • A cover letter outlining how your skills, experience and knowledge directly address the responsibilities and requirements detailed in the job specification, and include information on your salary expectations and right to work information; and
  • A copy of your current CV.

Please ensure that they are sent as Word or PDF documents with the titles “your name cover letter” and “your name CV”. The subject of your email should read: Administrative Assistant, UK & Ireland.

Applications must be received by 16 January 2020 at 09:00 GMT

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