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Founded in 1903, Fauna & Flora International (FFI) is the world's longest-established international conservation organisation.

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Fauna & Flora International


A sustainable future for the planet, where biodiversity is effectively conserved by the people who live closest to it, supported by the global community. Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. That is a familiar definition but what it ...
England (East Anglia) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
Fauna & Flora International

BioCarbon attracts new investment

Macquarie Global Investments (Macquarie) have announced that BioCarbon Group Pte Limited (BioCarbon) has agreed to terms with investors for a combined investment of $US25 million to target global forest carbon projects known as Reducing Emissions ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
Fauna & Flora International

Road proposals proving heightened threat to Indonesian national park and tiger habitat

Kerinci Seblat road construction opposition grows as NGO coalition urge government to improve and maintain existing network of roads Opposition to the proposal from the Government of Jambi Province to construct three new roads ...
Indonesia - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
Fauna & Flora International

Conservation of world’s rarest cat wins Best of the Best Award

A project supported by Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and implemented by our local partner Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN) has been selected by EU member states as one of the six of the Best of the Best EU LIFE ...
Portugal - Europe,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
Fauna & Flora International

A Bumpy Road to Tiger Conservation in Sumatra

FFI’s Debbie Martyr talks tigers and road proposals through Kerinci Seblat National Park Debbie Martyr, Team Leader of Fauna & Flora International’s Tiger Protection & Conservation Units in Sumatra, blogs ...
Indonesia - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9405 Day/s