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Environmental Jobs with ClientEarth. We work to protect the environment through advocacy, litigation and research. We use the best scientific and policy analysis when choosing strategic directions. Our legal action, whether in advocacy or in cases before courts and administrative bodies, is built on solid law and science.

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Jobs advertised by ClientEarth



We are activist lawyers committed to securing a healthy planet.Our vision: an Earth where people can achieve their full potential within a diverse, resilient biosphere.Our mission: we use law as a tool to mend the relationship between human ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s


We are activist lawyers committed to securing a healthy planet.Our vision: an Earth where people can achieve their full potential within a diverse, resilient biosphere.Our mission: we use law as a tool to mend the relationship between human ...
Spain (Central) - Europe,
Expires in 9405 Day/s


We are activist lawyers committed to securing a healthy planet.Our vision: an Earth where people can achieve their full potential within a diverse, resilient biosphere.Our mission: we use law as a tool to mend the relationship between human ...
Belgium - Europe,
Expires in 9405 Day/s


We are activist lawyers committed to securing a healthy planet.Our vision: an Earth where people can achieve their full potential within a diverse, resilient biosphere.Our mission: we use law as a tool to mend the relationship between human ...
Poland - Europe,
Expires in 9405 Day/s

The Green Investment Bank - The case for legislation and bill summary

The UK Government has committed to establishing a 'Green Investment Bank'. The Bank is necessary to unlock the scale of investment needed in renewable energy and other technologies to 'green' and decarbonise the UK’s economy. It can also be an ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s

European Chemicals Agency sued for withholding names of toxics producers

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is being sued over its refusal to release the names of companies producing some of the most dangerous chemicals in the EU market. The lawsuit, brought by environmental law organisation ClientEarth and ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s

ClientEarth calls on UK government to pursue alternative EPS design

ClientEarth calls on UK government to pursue alternative EPS designMarch 2011 | Read the letter | Read the full submissionClientEarth has written to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Chris Huhne MP, drawing his ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
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