environment jobs Est. in 1994. Delivering Environment Jobs for 31 years
DIRECTORY ENTRY: CICERO Senter for KlimaforskningFNs klimapanel (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) ble etablert i 1988 for å gi beslutningstakere og andre interesserte objektiv informasjon om klimaendringer. IPCC har til nå kommet med fire evalueringsrapporter i 1990, ... |
Norway - Europe,
Managing Carbon Leakage"Managing Carbon Leakage" is an opinion piece that compares the application of carbon leakage in the economic literature compared to the carbon footprint literature:http://www.future-science.com/doi/full/10.4155/cmt.10.1 ... |
Norway - Europe,
"Carbon footprints and embodied carbon at multiple scales"CICERO has recently published three new articles on carbon footprints and carbon leakage."Carbon footprints and embodied carbon at multiple scales" reviews the literature and methods appropriate at different scales ranging from product carbon ... |
Norway - Europe,
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Global Carbon Footprints"Global carbon footprints" focuses on the carbon footprint in the Nordic countries and reviews data, methods, studies, and provides recommendations for the future use and development of carbon ... |
Norway - Europe,